The heart is one of the most important organ in the human body and is a key driver in the drainage of blood. Therefore health is very important. But many of us are not so bewarebecause heart disease is not like any other illness always begins with the obvioussymptoms. Here are tips on how to maintain the health of our heart.
Prevent Cigarettes
The study says that people who smoke have a 2-fold risk of heart disease than non-smokers or passive smokers. When you stop smoking, it will gradually decrease the risk of
Reduce Salt
Salt can cause high blood pressure which can increase the risk of future heart attacks.To maintain health, eat more vegetables and fruits.
Avoid alcohol
Alcohol can also damage the heart muscle which can increase the risk of heart attack
Exercise regularly
The heart consists of muscles and muscles need exercise. One solution is to exercise.Experts recommend regular exercise of 30 minutes each day to maintain the health of your body.
Keep your Body Mass Index (BMI)
With BMI or maintain your ideal weight reduces performance of the heart so that you become more heart healthy.
Routine control of cholesterol
People who have high cholesterol have a higher risk of heart attack, stroke, and diseases that affect blood circulation in the body. Therefore, regular checks arecholesterol very well be an indication of heart health.
If blood pressure is high, you can minimize it with food to exercise and eat that are high in fiber.